Arianna Smith received the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship in the winter of 2017, during her senior year at Lakeland High School. She recently shared with us some of her experience in applying and what she has been able to accomplish since receiving the Lilly Scholarship.
What did you study in college?
I majored in Computer Science and minored in Law & Society at Purdue University.
How did the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship change your life?
It’s had an unbelievable impact. It gave me the opportunity to attend an amazing college program that I wouldn’t have been able to afford otherwise. During my time in college, I made great friends & connections and I had really meaningful personal & professional experiences. I learned so much and I wouldn’t have been able to without the support of the scholarship.
Where did you attend college? What were some highlights from your college experience?
I attended Purdue University in West Lafayette. Some highlights include yearly Friendsgiving (at the dining court or friend’s apartments); taking dance and art classes for fun; mentoring and teaching other students as a lecturer and Teaching Assistant; and meeting people from all kinds of backgrounds.
What are you doing today?
I graduated with my Bachelor’s in Computer Science in fall 2022. I now live in Seattle, Washington, where I’m a software engineer at Microsoft. I’m about to have my one-year anniversary at work, and I love my job!
What would you like to tell students who are considering applying for the LECS?
If you’re thinking of it, do it! LECS is an amazing opportunity to grow and experience new things. You can accomplish more than you can imagine with it. LECS also provides you with a community of people that you can look to for support, so if you ever feel unsure, you’ll have that network to lean on.

When completing the application, what tips would you give to students?
Really think about what you are passionate about and why, and try to communicate that at every stage of the application. Ask your friends, family, teachers, etc. for advice about your application at every stage. It can be intimidating to share with others, but it will be worth it in the end.
How engaged are you in your community today? What do you find important in life?
I’m engaged with my community in Washington through volunteering and mentoring, and I think about my community back home all the time. The support that I received (financial, emotional, mental – all of it!) has allowed me to feel confident in setting and pursuing my goals. I’m incredibly grateful for all of the people in my life who have known and encouraged me, and I feel stronger and more sure of myself when I remember that they believe in me. That community support and encouragement is what I find most important in life, and it’s something that I want to be able to provide to others as well.
Receiving the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship can open doors for students. It’s exciting to see what recipients like Arianna are able to accomplish with the help of the Lilly Scholarship.
Students graduating from a LaGrange County high school with a minimum GPA of 3.75, and plans of attending an Indiana accredited college or university in the fall 2024, are eligible to apply for the Lilly Scholarship.
Specific information about the application requirements are available at Lccf.net/LillyScholarship. Applications are due September 8, 2023.