McMillen Health provided 10 preventative health education program sessions at Lakeland High School and Westview High School. The focus for 2019 was opioid use and vaping.

McMillen Health was awarded a grant from the Community Foundation in 2019 to support their efforts. McMillen Health’s greatest strength in this effort includes providing fact-based health education that promotes positive health decisions youth carry into adulthood.
Serving 310 LaGrange County youth in grades 6-12 and 15 teachers and staff for a total of 325 lives touched through LaGrange County Community Foundation funding.

They liked identifying which was candy or vape juice. Every time I have a program come in I am impressed and have never had a bad experience. Speakers are engaging and energetic and knowledgeable.
Ms. Duff at Westview High School
McMillen Health is continually expanding its programs and funding sources. Receiving support from the LaGrange County Community Foundation, the Council for Drug-Free LaGrange County, the Cole Foundation, and the Dekko Foundation has enabled opportunities to meet the everchanging needs of LaGrange County students.