On Jan. 11, members of the LaGrange County Chamber of Commerce joined together for a Member Showcase and the Annual Meeting. This year, the staff of the LaGrange County Community Foundation won the 2024 Member Showcase!
Each year, Chamber invites members to showcase their organization or business prior to their Annual Meeting. The Community Foundation wanted to inspire kindness this year with their booth.
Decked out in pink and red hearts, the booth had information about their upcoming Intentional Acts of Kindness Calendar. In February, the Foundation will be participating in acts of kindness each day, and encouraging others to join in. You can join in on the Intentional Acts of Kindness Event Page!

LCCF is also excited about a new matching opportunity. The Caring Community Fund supports the greatest needs in LaGrange County, at any given time, making impact forever. The Foundation intends to apply for a $750,000 Matching Fund Grant from Lilly Endowment to support the Foundation’s unrestricted endowment, which will provide resources to present and future needs.
The Community Foundation is asking people and businesses like YOU to give to the Caring Community Fund.
For every $1 you give, the matching grant will give $2, giving the fund a total of $3! If you would like to give to this fund DONATE HERE, chose to give to a specific fund, then chose the Caring Community Fund.